fresh fruit vs. canned fruit? weight loss?

2011-07-06 4:24 pm
i make fruit smoothies every day in replace of one meal, i don't use any yogurt or anything, just fresh fruit and water. lots of times the market doesn't have pineapples etc. so i was wondering if canned fruit is bad for you at all. does it have a higher sugar content or is it unnatural?

回答 (9)

2016-04-10 10:17 pm
wait until your stomach rumbles before you reach for food
2016-03-02 12:02 pm
Definitely mix up the exercise to help shed off those extra pounds. You may also want to try drinking a glass of water before meals. This will help you eat a little less each time. You are off to a good start by cutting out some of the bad food from your diet. You may want to try cutting down a little more, maybe switch from regular to diet soda. Remember there is about 150 calories in a can(12oz)of regular soda. Just think if you drink 2 cans per day and switch to diet, you are cutting 300 calories per day and that equals out to 2100 calories a week that is really just "empty" calories that adds no nutritional value to your diet. Also you may try eating 4-6 mini meals throughout the day. This can help keep your metabolism going and will help you keep from getting really hungry when it is meal time. Try eating a snack in between breakfast and lunch and lunch and supper. Hope this helps and congrats on the 40 pounds that you've already lost!
2015-12-13 10:40 am
get your book group to slip on sneaks and chat on the move
2015-05-07 4:35 am
eat chili for a couple of days research shows that chili peppers boost your metabolic rate burning 50 more cals a day
2011-07-06 4:40 pm
well ordinarily we shouldnt eat canned foods, but sometimse its a necessity. (ecspecially if a volcano arrupts or if we have a zombie/vampire apocolypse) so if you must buy it canned in water. Thats the best you can go for. Buy organic if possible.
Real fruits are best, so I advise you to be alert for those. canned fruits can sometimes be canned in thick syrup and sugar, causing the fruits to be a "sweet" falvor which is terrible for us humans even though it tastes sooo good! But I would rather have a candy bar with the same sugar content than eat canned pinnaple and passion fruit.
all in all, look for the word "natural" or "no syrup!" or "fresh" and even "water" when looking for *healthy* canned fruit. Im sure their out there. But when you have a choice between fresh and canned-always take fresh.
why dont you put milk in you smoothies?!?!?! Its waaay better with milk. And it brings forth more nutriens and makes it thicker. If you dont like cows milk (or any other animals) go for imatation. Soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk and rice. I usually buy vanilla flavor. It has less the fat and calories and tastes just the same as regular milk. Just less thicker in texture. Plus! vanilla soymilk is soo tasty!
參考: me
2011-07-06 4:39 pm
Fresh is better in my opinion, most canned fruits have added preservatives and a higher sugar content.
2011-07-06 4:31 pm
canned fruit is sugary always go with fresh if you can and organic is even better
2011-07-06 4:25 pm
canned fruit are usually boiled in water and sugar. even if you get them sugar free, it won't be the same vitamin content as for the real ones. and not the same taste.
2011-07-06 4:25 pm
unless you can find canned fruit that is canned in water without any added sugar, they all have sugar in the syrup

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