
2011-07-06 11:05 pm

我的志願是想成為護士,希望長大以後能夠成為一 位有愛心的護士,幫助生病的人,讓他們都能早日康復

回答 (3)

2011-07-06 11:53 pm
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你好~~~ 我以下的翻譯絕對沒有用甚麼翻譯器的喔~如果有小小出入請見諒~~ 我叫xx,今年12歲,我來自xxx小學的.My name is xx. I am twelve years old and I am from xxx primary school.我家庭成員分別有爸爸,媽媽和哥哥,I have a father, a mother and a brother.父親從事xxx,而母親是家庭主婦.My father is a/an xxx, and my mother is a housewife.我喜歡的科目分別是常識和體育My favourite subjects are general studies and PE(physical education)我喜歡常識的原因是因為常識的課題十分有趣,常常會有新奇的事物,讓我能探究一翻.而喜歡體育的原因是因為能舒展筋骨.I like general studies because the topics of it are very interesting. There will always be new things that I can explore them. Also, I like PE because I can do more exercise.我的志願是想成為護士,希望長大以後能夠成為一位有愛心的護士,幫助生病的人,讓他們都能早日康復 I want to be a nurse when I grow up. I hope I can be a caring nurse that can help the patient and let them to recover faster.

參考: Yogi
2011-07-06 11:50 pm
My name is xx and I am 12 years old, I'm from xxx primary.
My family members are father, mother and brother,
Father engaged in xxx, and my mother is a housewife.
Common sense and Sports are my favourite subjects.
I like common sense because the topics of common sense is very interesting and there often has a novelty.So that I can explore over the pages.
And I like sports because it's is good for my body.
I want to become a nurse when I grow up. I want to take care the patients, so that they can get well soon

2011-12-04 12:18 am
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