내 용 係咩意思

2011-07-06 7:51 pm
내 용 係咩意思??

回答 (4)

2011-07-10 2:09 am
so many meanings it has.....so need to tell use in which place!!!
a following copy from some sources~~
also expect same writing in korean but difference meaning in chinese!!

Are you a Hypocrite or a Good Deed Doer?Confucius wrote:
Heaven repays a person who does good with blessings and a person who does bad with calamity. 爲善者天報之 以福, 爲不善者天報之 以禍 (위선자천보지이복, 위불선자천보지이화)爲善者(a do good person) 天報之(Heaven repays him) 以福 (withblessings), 爲不善者(a do no good person) 天報之(Heaven repays him) 以禍 (withcalamity).Based on the above Confucian saying,위선자(爲善者) can be translated as "a good deed doer," so why do modern dayKoreans use 위선자(僞善者) to mean "hypocrite"?

The answer lies with the Chinese characters for 위. Notice that theChinese character for the 위(爲) in "good deed doer" is slightlydifferent than the 위(僞) in "hypocrite." 爲(위) means "do," but 僞(위) means"lie, pretend" The other two characters are exactly the same: 善 (선 -good), 者(자 - person). Therefore, the Korean word for "hyprocrite,"위선자(僞善者), literally means "a pretend good person."

The next time someone calls you a 위선자, you can reply, "Really? I guess that means I can expect blessings from Heaven.


2011-07-09 18:38:37 補充:
2011-07-07 10:00 am
내용有好多個意思. 其中包括:내용 = 內容 [例如: 文章內容]내용 = 內用 [相對於外用. 例如: 內服藥物] 내용 = 耐用 [物品可以多次使用, 可以用很耐. 例如: 耐用物料]

2011-07-06 9:34 pm
내 용 是解作 >> 目錄。
2011-07-06 9:32 pm
내 용意思係目錄
希望幫到你 ^^
參考: Google

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