
2011-07-06 9:16 am
我想去美國留學!334學生、如中六畢業後!可以有乜方法?如果用旅遊簽證再揾學校可以嗎?可以用學生簽證工作嗎?我有朋友話可以!唔知得唔得!係咪一定要有收入證明?要幾錢左右先得?移民係咪代表永遠係美國,唔可以係香港人?我親戚在波士頓同南部都有!邊邊college 會平d ? 大約一年幾多港幣?如果自助留學系米一定沒可能?(系甘多,希望你地可以幫下我,吾該曬!)

回答 (2)

2011-07-06 6:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Simply find a school.

2. No - you will be required to come back to Hong Kong and get the visa.

3. Unless it is allowed otherwise, all student visa holders are not allowed to work.

4. Proof of financial resource is always required - how will you pay for it?

5. No. Hong Kong is not a country - so it does not create dual nationalities issue at all.

6. Not a big difference.

7. About HKD$312,000 per year.

8. Yes.
2011-07-07 7:27 am
- Take Toefl, Apply a school, get student VISA, and fly to USA.

- With a Visiting VISA, if the officer found out your intention is to come to US for "studying" instead of tourist, they can reject you to enter US.

- If you travel to US to visit as a tourist, then you found out you like to study here, and there is a school to accept you. You can change your status from Visitor to Student within US legally. However, you will need to new student VISA if you ever left US within those years. (Generally, it is advised not to leave US until you complete your degree.)

- On campus such as school library - YES - upto 20 hours per week.

- OFF Campus such as Chinese restaurant - NOPE

- The degree may allow you to work on some "Internship" class where you get experience related to your degree in real life company, some paid well.

- 收入證明, Yes. It is a MUST for student VISA. But it can be your PARENT's money. If you can convert the officer why someone will pay you to study, it can be from other person as well.

- The minimum proof is 1 year to Tuition fee plus all living cost. This amount will be listed on your school's acceptance letter (I-20). For an estimate, the school website will have the information. Wild guess: around USD12000 + tuition fee of the school you choose. For some school, it could be under USD 10k.

- You do not need to stay in US forever.
- However, how do you 移民美國? Applying by your relatives could take over 20 to 30 years.

我親戚在波士頓同南部都有!邊邊college 會平d ? 大約一年幾多港幣?如果自助留學系米一定沒可能?
- If your 親戚 allows you to live and eat at their home for FREE, then you only have to pay for your tuition free. For some CC, it is just a few thousand USD per year like HKD60k, then transfer to U after 2 years. In this case, you may pay most part of the cost yourself. However, to get the VISA, you will need to prove you have money without working in US or eating free meal at your US relative.

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