Man my life is boring...?

2011-07-05 1:55 am
hello, my name is Simon.
i am an immigrant from Hong Kong, i came to America four years ago, it was pretty hard for me to fit in this place at first because the culture's different, language's different. But now i happily say that i have already adapted to this new place, but for some reason i still feel very depressed all the time, mostly because i dont really have much friends here and i have resisted to go to new places and meet new peoples... that got to be the reason why i am depressed all the time...

It's summer vacation now, it has been my most afraid time in the year, i dont know what to do on summer vacation. i was lookin for jobs for 2 weeks, but nobody hired...
and i'm going to summer school and do Volunteer work after summer school in the afternoon^^

i admit it's weird why i would talk about things like that, maybe i'm just want some attention or something~~

回答 (2)

2011-07-05 2:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
Do some volunteer work with new immigrants from China - they need help too and you can find some friends
2011-07-05 9:03 am
You have writer's block. Think some things that interest you and write them down as soon as they come to your mind, turning off the self-censor that says "Oh that couldn't work" or "I couldn't to that because...". You'll be surprised at how many things interest you. Then go to work on figuring out what's realistic to pursue.

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 23:39:45
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