How can I fix a broken heart?

2011-07-04 7:48 pm
I'm utterly devastated, I know you probably read these all the time, but i'd appreciate it if you could take a few minutes. I'm 17 and my boyfriend was 29. The love of my life, he made the bad days seem better and the good days, were indescribable. He is my everything, we can't even go a day without speaking.
But on Saturday it emerged that he was still seeing his ex. I knew they still lived together due to finance, but he was in the process of moving out. He denied any involvement with her, still declaring his love for me, and I believe him. Unfortunately my family have stepped in. I have been banned from contacting him or him contacting me. I know I betrayed my families trust, but this decision is killing the both of us. I can't stop crying, without him I have no life. My future was with him. I just want to die. Will it ever get better? I can't live like this, I just want my baba back :(

I believe him entirely that there was nothing going on. Everyone else says he was lying to me, but I don't think he was. He's everything to me, everything with us is right, it feels right, so normal. We belong together

回答 (15)

2011-07-04 8:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It really annoys me when a full blown adult man uses his knowledge
with an excessive need to have sex ... to mislead an underage teenager.

HERE ARE THE FACTS (I am not making this up):
- You are jail bait
- If he is still living with his ex and he is still seeing her .. he is LYING TO YOU.
- telling you that he is still living with her due to finance .. IS A LIE.
- If you get 100 adults together and tell them the story they will ALL support your parents.
- He is toxic.
- He sees you as stupid and the second brain in his pants is controling the entire show.
- This is not romance.
- He uses romance to string you along.
- He is a great actor, a great manipulator of your heart.
- You can do better and you will do better.
- You would be mad at him if you talked to any of his ex-girlfriends.
- Just because someone acts like they love you does not mean they really love you
- What you know NOW and what you know at age 27 ... is a HUGE, HUGE difference.
- He can't handle a women that is 26, or 24, or 22. So he goes back and aims for you.
- He knows you need attention, compliments and you love romance. So he pounced on you.

It will only get better when you realize your baby never loved you. If you was just slightly more logical you would be mad at him for misleading you. You would be mad at him for all those times you could have been out on a date, or with friends. You put your time and energy into a man that plays games, makes broken promises and plays with peoples hearts.

I wish I was making all of this up. I wish you had the tools to avoid these types of guys. But right now thats not the case.
2011-07-04 7:49 pm
walmart super glue $1.99
2011-07-04 7:52 pm
time heals it all
2011-07-04 7:51 pm
Sounds like a classic Romeo and Juliet. If he really loves you, and you know it, be with him. No matter what your parents do or say, true love never dies. You should probably wait until you are 18 to sneak out or anything because if you're parents catch you, they could call the police. Be wary of that and just set up times to meet him at grocery stores or cinemas, anywhere public. And after you turn 18 you can be with him as much as you want :) It'll get better, just be patient.
參考: I Am Cupid
2011-07-04 7:51 pm
Super glue and/or duct tape.
參考: I know how to fix stuff.
2011-07-04 7:50 pm
One, a twelve year difference is quite a bit one… If he's still seeing his ex, why do you want him? Do you believe him when he says he isn't, and that he loves only you? Or do you not believe him? Your question is indecisive. You'll be fine, just take a deep breath and move on. It will hurt for a while, but if you dwell on it, nothing happens and you'll just suffer.
2011-07-06 3:53 pm
2011-07-05 1:42 pm
I was with my ex for 3 years and he said exactly the same, but he use to see his ex like friends, I then realised that they weren't just friends, they got back together. My family said you cant be with this guy his not the right one for you I didn't listen to them, instead I believed him.

let me tell you something, family always want the best for you and they know you and looked after you more then he has and they have more love for you more then he has. but the thing is you don't love them as much as you love you boyfriend. all you have to do is use your heart less and look up to your family, not your boyfriend that still sees his ex.
2011-07-05 1:35 am
I'm not going to give the same old advice because it looks like you have some great stuff to work with.
I just wanna point out to everyone that not everybody has a hidden agenda when they happen to live with their ex.
Sometimes it's the way things have to be at a paricular time for whatever reason.
So to stereotype us all is wrong.
2011-07-04 8:03 pm
Well I see allot of things wrong with this picture. One he was way too old for you. Your 17, and have allot of life to exsperience before you can even be at the same maturity level as a 29 year old MAN. Two, hes living with his ex. And anyone in their right mind would know that if someone is living with an ex, there is something going on. Especially if hes capable of living with an ex! most ex's can't stand eachother. Three, you did this behind your families back, and this could result in him getting in trouble by the law.

Now for the ADVICE:
I know a broken heart is awful. And feels like the end of everything (been there after a 3 year relationship at your age) But it isn't the end. Actually things get better than before, you have learned some new things, you have exspeirienced a broken heart, and know what to watch out for! Now it will be harder to fall for and trust someone because of the fear of being hurt. But when you do fall for this new man, it will be unlike anything because you know you can trust him!

This all takes time, it took me 2 years to get over my ex. I did date other people, and had fun. But I didn't stop caring for him, and I still haven't! But I moved on, and am happily engaged today at 20.

You just can't let your life be taken over by this, theres allot of guys out there. The mission is finding the right one, and trust me a 30 year old is not for you!! By the time you hit 20-25 when your getting out of college, and wanting to start a family, hes going to be almost 40 years old..when your 40 and enjoying your first grandchild hes going to be almost 60..ready to go to the senior citizen home with your parents!!

Think about the future more honey. You don't want someone 12 years older than you!!

A broken heart heals with time and happyness. Once you start going out with friends, and flirting with other guys at the movies or school. You will forget all about that old man you were with!! Go out tonight, have fun, chill with your girlfriends and talk about the guys at school!! You will find a new crush to drool over soon :p

Good luck, and smile! your parents did you a favor :]
2011-07-04 7:59 pm
GOd woman! Get over it! You're young and should be barely looking for a man. [you don't need a man to live you know] He's in the stage in which he may want to settle down. Your family knows you and knows what's best for you. A break up is never easy. Let it burn, then move on. You WILL be ok, darlin. You just have to push through and everyone will live. I mean, look it happened, and omg! ['re still alive! :)
2011-07-04 7:58 pm
Truth is, you cant, if you ever listen to Guns n roses, November Rain "..If you could heal a broken heart, wouldn't time be out to charm you?" The best thing to do is to leave it be, the heart is the only broken instrument that works. Just go out and have fun, sooner or later, you will find someone better.
2011-07-04 7:57 pm
Trust your family, currently you are high on emotions and far from any logic.
Personally I think he is playing with you and abuses your pure feelings.
2011-07-04 7:56 pm
As a good friend once told me, "Time heals all wounds". Anyways, I can see why your family stepped in when they did. They are only doing it because they love you and want what is best for you. Good luck !
2011-07-04 7:52 pm
Even the deepest scars heal in time. Love of your very short life so far! Of course it hurts - we've all been there.

Our teen years are a discovery period, learning about who we are emotionally, mentally and physically: just as our bodies develop in obvious ways, our minds and emotions do in less obvious ones. Life goes in seven year cycles, which, like the seasons, rather merge into each other than suddenly change. At around seven we go from infancy to childhood, around fourteen, adolescence and 21, adulthood. People vary, obviously, but this is why teenage marriages are so very often disastrous in the longer term: it's very hard to get to know and understand others until we get to know ourselves, our own needs, etc. which are still fluctuating a bit until we are "mature". Hence, adolescents' feelings often fluctuate somewhat. This is a very good reason for avoiding the emotionally bonding sexual intercourse, as it can so often lead to serious emotional confusion.

Good Luck!

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