Is there a method to solve the instability of the connection between a bluetooth keyboard/mouse and a computer?

2011-07-04 10:19 am
My bluetooth keyboard and mouse do not have a stable connection with my computer. I will need to press any buttons of my keyboard and my mouse continuously in order to activate the connection between my bluetooth keyboard, mouse and my computer if I do not give any signal to my computer through my keyboard and mouse within a few seconds.

Is there a method to solve the instability of the connection between a bluetooth keyboard/mouse and a computer???


回答 (2)

2011-07-05 2:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
maybe your computer isn't right, because I have my mouse connected with my laptop in old fashion way-with usb not bluetooth and it kept not working in some point in time and I need to take it off and put it in again in order to work!! and it sounds like in and off even when its in my laptop so I'm not doing anything...
so maybe the problem is at your computer, cuz I know mine is at my laptop - because also is changing the clock at the bottom bar here on the right side!! I need to fix it!
good luck!:)
2011-07-04 6:03 pm
yes there is , get usb

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