grammar 問題 shall will would

2011-07-05 3:51 am
He would help us if we asked him.

1.點解ask要用past tense(asked)而唔直接用'if we ask him'?
2.係咪後面是asked,所以前面個答案都要轉返做past tense(would)?
3.'He will help us if we ask him' 呢句grammar係咪已經唔岩?

We shall go for a picnic next Saturday.

4.點解用we shall而唔用we will?
而 Mother and I will visit Miss Chan tomorrow. 就用will?2句都係future tense


回答 (2)

2011-07-05 7:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
1-2)He would help us if we asked him. 這句子是用假設語氣進行,所以要用過去式。
3)He will help us if we ask him. 這句子是用決定語氣進行,所以全句的動詞用現在式。He will help us when asked him. 這句子是用決定及被動形式進行所以後面的動詞要用被動式或過去分詞。
4) We shall go for a picnic next Saturday. 這句子是用未來和想及的形式進行,所以前面助動詞用未來式。
Mother and I will visit Miss Chan tomorrow. 這句子是用未來及決定形式進行,所以助動詞要用決定性的助動詞。
5)Should is the past tense of shall or command an order. 這個助動詞是未來的過去形式,但是也可以作為命令式----可解釋為應該。
Would is the past tense of will or command an order.這個助動詞是未來的過去形式,但是也可以作為命令式---可解釋為必須。
2011-07-06 11:42 pm
1. 點解ask要用past tense(asked)而唔直接用'if we ask him'?

因為呢個係佢本身既格式:...would...if...verb(past tense)...

2.係咪後面是asked,所以前面個答案都要轉返做past tense(would)?

即係呢件事已經過去左啦,,後者要用past tense,,

3.'He will help us if we ask him' 呢句grammar係咪已經唔岩?

4.點解用we shall而唔用we will?

We shall go for a picnic next Saturday.用will都得
同埋Mother and I will visit Miss Chan tomorrow.
用shall既話... -﹏-" 意思好怪,,就變左:visit Miss Chan 去唔去都得



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