is / was 的問題?

2011-07-04 10:08 pm
昨天是7月1日的回歸假期, 我司不用上班。
1) Our office was closed on July 1 for HKSAR Establishment Day


2) Our office is closed on July 1 for HKSAR Establishment Day

closed 已經係過去式, 咁前便應該用was or is ? thanks~

回答 (3)

2011-07-05 1:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi there,

The correct sentence is 1.

1) Our office was closed on July 1 for HKSAR Establishment Day

because July 1 is 過去 : 應該用過去式.

Note 注意: 過去式 is shown in 'was';

'closed' is not 過去式, it is 過去分詞, 用於動詞 verb-to-be 之後,顯示被動的含義 (our office was closed by office people), or as an adjective 形容詞, meaning not open for business),它(closed) 並不決定the tense。

Hope the explanation is helpful. I can't type Chinese so I used Google translate to help me.

參考: own knowledge
2011-07-04 11:50 pm
Our office was closed on July 1 for HKSAR Establishment Day = ok

Our office was closed at 5pm yesterday.

was 是昨 天 及以前發生的

is 是現在式 或每天都發生的

Our office is opened from 9am to 6pm daily.

Our office is closed at 6pm.
2011-07-04 10:23 pm
You should use the first sentence!
"was closed" is OK!

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