Spelling questoin, yoghurt and yogurt?

2011-07-04 6:09 am
Yoghurt and yogurt
Which one is more commonly used in the UK and Australia?
and which one is more commonly used in the US?

回答 (6)

2011-07-04 6:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yogurt in the US
參考: ///
2011-07-04 1:14 pm
Yogurt in the USA and Yoghurt in Europe
2011-07-04 1:10 pm
yogurt is in the US
2011-07-04 1:35 pm
I can help you with the US version....yogurt. I have never seen the other form here.
2011-07-04 1:11 pm
Well, IT's definitely "yogurt" in the USA.
2011-07-04 1:11 pm
google it

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