End point Equivalence point

2011-07-04 4:57 am
我想問End point同Equivalence point有咩分別?

麻煩以 英文 及中文 解釋 THANKS

回答 (1)

2011-07-04 7:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
In titration,"equivalence point" and "end point" are two differentconcepts, but are easily to make confusion between them.

The equivalence point is the point at which the acid/alkali in the conicalflask is just completely neutralized by the alkali/acid added from the burette.At this point, the amounts of the two reactants (acid and alkali) are said tobe chemically equivalent.

The exact value of the equivalence point cannot be found in a titration, butthe end point is an estimation of the equivalence point. simply speaking, the endpoint is the point at which the titration ends. The end point is usually determinedby the colour change of the indicator, or the turning point of the graph inthermometric titration or conductometric titration.

If the end point is close to the equivalence point, the titration is accurate.




參考: wanszeto

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