Is there a method to solve the instability of the connection between a bluetooth keyboard/mouse and a computer?

2011-07-02 4:43 pm
My bluetooth keyboard and mouse do not have a stable connection with my computer. I will need to press any buttons of my keyboard and my mouse continuously in order to activate the connection between my bluetooth keyboard, mouse and my computer if I do not give any signal to my computer through my keyboard and mouse within a few seconds.

Is there a method to solve the instability of the connection between a bluetooth keyboard/mouse and a computer???


回答 (1)

2011-07-04 5:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
I never heard about such a problem before. There are 2 things I could think of is your keyboard and mouse could possibly be faulty or the batteries inside getting weak. That's only my opinion, correct me if I'm wrong. I hope you find out the solution soon.

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