英文狸語問題, "Listen"

2011-07-03 3:24 am
"Listen to the colour of your dream"
是什么意思? 為何用"Listen"?

这是電影 天姖戰 里的一句歌詞

回答 (5)

2011-07-10 8:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
Very often, in poems and songs, the writers use words figuratively or abstractly.. Don't read the words/lyrics literally.or separately.
"Listen to the colour of your dream" are lyrics of the song "Tomorrow never knows" by Beatles.
In the song, it writes: "Turn off your mind. But listen to the colour of your dream."
通常作詩及歌詞, 都常用比喻法, 抽象/象徵法的。不可依字面或逐字折解的。
句子源自披頭四的歌。內容提到: 闊掉腦智, 只用心霏去聆聽夢的斑彩。

2011-07-10 12:13:36 補充:
turn off your mind =関掉腦智
歌名 Tomorrow never knows 明日一無所知
2011-07-12 4:15 am
listen係傾聽,例如listen to your heart,好多時你係聽人講嘅多,你有冇聽過自己講﹖
2011-07-04 11:58 pm
"Listen to the colour of your dream"
listen = 聽取(意見)
其實佢簡單D既講法係... "listen to your dream"
而點解要"the colour of" 係因為呢個係形容詞...形容緊your dream
所有其實唔好比colour影響到..以為要用look.. 其實呢到最重要既係 listen to your dream
參考: mememe =]
2011-07-04 7:15 pm
for example: Listen to your mother
參考: myself
2011-07-03 5:34 am
看這句說話的表達重點應該不是 "Listen", 是 "colour of your dream".

Listen 當然是聽覺上用的;

而 "colour" 應該是比喻來形容那鮮明, 真實, 傳神, 細緻, 澎湃等等..充滿色彩的聽覺效果;

而 "dream" 應該是表達對聽覺要求高的 "發燒友" 所 "夢寐以求" 的極品.

如果冇錯的話, 這應該是音響廣告標題了.

如果錯的話, please forgive me. 及請高人指點吧.

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