Bond angle

2011-07-02 3:44 am
How to calculate bond angle of non-octet structures?

(e.g. bond angle of H2O is 105 and bond angle of NH3 is 107 )


回答 (3)

2011-07-03 2:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
i don't think there's simple way to "calculate" the bond angle. even with quantum mechanics, there're even some special cases that bonds aren't straight, e.g. cyclopropane.
the orbitals in the C-C bonds are not strictly head-on overlapping; they're described as "banana bonds".

however, there's a simple way to "estimate" the bond angle, that is, by ESPER theory.
also the fact that "lone pair-bond pair repulsion > bond pair-bond pair repulsion" also takes into account.

for ammonia, ideal bond angle is 109.5* (degree); however, since the lone pair on N poses greater repulsion to the bond pair, the N-H bonds are "squeezed" together, reducing the bond angle.

water is another example: two lone pairs, even greater repulsion exerted on bonds, further squeezing bonds together.

there're cases that behavior of bonding atoms comes into play, eg PH3 has bond angle of ~90*. detailed reasons is complicated; go to wikipedia for details.

NO2 has non-octet structure, but VSEPR still works. repulsion exerted by single-electron-group is weaker than a bond-pair, so N-O bonds are less-squeezed. O-N-O bond angle is greater than 120*.

cases for other compounds are similar.
first find the principle shape for numbered groups of electrons (# electron pairs);
then arrange groups and lone pairs accordingly;
then estimate effect of lone-pairs on bond-pairs.

2011-07-03 01:09:45 補充:
in ideal cases like methane, bond angles are 109.5* and can be calculated with geometry, given that there's no bond stretching, vibration etc.
then, how many ideal cases are there, in our real world?
2011-07-03 8:12 am


不過無錯既係 有好多都唔係關計既事
bond angle只係repulsion做出尼既形狀only.
2011-07-02 11:09 pm
要用 Quantum mechanics 計的

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