econ mc

2011-07-02 3:00 am
For CE 1993 Q.49

In an economy with unemployment, a deficit budget will need to
A. a lower rate of unemployment
B. a lower level of nation income
C. a lower rate of household consumption
D. a decrease a government debt

Why the answer is A?

Also, why a fiscal sruplus will lead to economic contraction? ( CE1991)

回答 (2)

2011-07-02 6:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
deficit budget means government expenditure greater than its revenue.
The expenditure will increase the purchasing power (increase in demand of goods) and it needs more employment to satisfy the increase in demand so the rate of unemployment will be lower.

For fiscal surplus, it means government expenditure less than its revenue. Lesser expenditure will decrease the purchasing power (decrease in demand of goods) so it will lead to economic contraction
2011-07-02 8:59 am
希望你唔介意我用中文,樓上個解釋睇到我嘔血 = =
其實依家econ 超錯... 根本無必然答案,睇佢幾時改到,應該都改唔到...

失業加財赤 當然想A 減少失業人仕
不過我好似解錯題 = = 條問題係未問失業既社會, 需要一個財赤預算去減低失業人口。

財政過剩 唔會令到 經濟出現通縮,睇下今年香港政府就知 ... 呢題應該唔會再考
首先財政過剩唔代表洗少左,不會decrease demand。

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