
2011-07-01 4:23 am
Complete it with the comprative or superlative form of the adjectives in the word box.

Back scratcher's T-shirt
You might think this T-shirt is (1)eg.more expensive than an ordinary T-shirt.However,you would be wrong.It is actually very cheap.It is also(2)__________ a usual T-shirt as it can help you to get your back scratched in the right place.How is this done?Easy.The T-shirt has a grid on the back plus a small map.The map is(3)_______________ a wallet(only 10cm x 12cm) and(4)_______________ a coin purse (less than 200 g) so you can carry it around easily.Try it! It's definitely(5)________________ way to get your back scratched.

Shopper's umbrella
The shopper's umbrella is fantastic for shopping trips in the rain.Although you might get a bit(6)________________ usual because the umbrella is slightly(7)__________________ an ordinary umbrella (with a diameter of only 35 cm),your shopping will definitely be(8)_____________ among all the other shoppers.However,be careful.You have to make sure that none of your bags are(9)__________________ the other bags.If they are,the umbrella will be unbalanced and you may fall over!

word box:

回答 (1)

2011-07-01 5:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
I enjoyed doing the exercise. Here it is:

Back scratcher's T-shirt
You might think this T-shirt is (1)eg.more expensive than an ordinary T-shirt.However,you would be wrong.It is actually very cheap.It is also(2)more useful than a usual T-shirt as it can help you to get your back scratched in the right place.How is this done?Easy.The T-shirt has a grid on the back plus a small map.The map is(3)smaller than_ a wallet(only 10cm x 12cm) and(4)lighter than_ a coin purse (less than 200 g) so you can carry it around easily.Try it! It's definitely(5)an efficient way way to get your back scratched.

Shopper's umbrella
The shopper's umbrella is fantastic for shopping trips in the rain.Although you might get a bit(6)_wetter than__ usual because the umbrella is slightly(7)_smaller than_ an ordinary umbrella (with a diameter of only 35 cm),your shopping will definitely be(8)_drier___ among all the other shoppers.However,be careful.You have to make sure that none of your bags are(9)_heavier than__ the other bags.If they are,the umbrella will be unbalanced and you may fall over!

word box:

2011-06-30 21:33:18 補充:
(5) an efficient way to get......

(8) no need to put 'than'

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:03:57
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