adjectives and adverbs (9 題)

2011-07-01 3:24 am
1. Judy always speaks to her teachers (polite/politely) .
2.I like listening to (soft/softly) music.
3.The children are playing (noisy/noisily).
4.Ann is bangang on the wall. I can hear the (loud/loudly)
5.The king and the queen live (happy/happily)together.
6.Every morning,my parents get up (lately/early)
7.The students are (good/well) at drawing.
8.Samuel is a (friendy/rudely) boy.
9.Travelling by MTR is (comfotable/comfortably).

回答 (3)

2011-07-01 10:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案

首先Adjective (adj.) 形容詞是用來形容Noun (n.) 名詞的;Adverb (adv.) 副詞是用來形容Verb (v.) 動詞的。


1.Judy always speaks to her teachers politely.
2.I like listening to soft music.
3.The children are playing noisily.
4.Ann is bangang on the wall. I can hear the loud bangs.
5.The king and the queen live happily together.
6.Every morning,my parents get up (lately/early) <- 這條問題無法解答,因為lately和early均是adverb,只能看意思回答 --> lately遲、early早。
7.The students are good at drawing. <- 與adjective和adverb無關,因為good at系一個phrasal verb片語,=擅長於。
8.Samuel is a (friend;y/rudely) boy. <- 這條問題無法解答,因為friendly和rudely均是adverb,不能用於這句子。
9.Travelling by MTR is comfotable.
參考: me|
2011-07-01 10:48 pm
6.early (get up late, not get up lately)
Definition - Adjectives are words that describe nouns or pronouns. They may come before the word they describe (That is a cute puppy.) or they may follow the word they describe (That puppy is cute.). Definition - Adverbs are words that modify everything but nouns and pronouns. They modify adjectives, verbs, and other adverbs. A word is an adverb if it answers how, when, or where.

2011-07-01 3:35 am
1. Judy always speaks to her teachers (polite/politely) .
2.I like listening to (soft/softly) music.
3.The children are playing (noisy/noisily).
4.Ann is bangang on the wall. I can hear the (loud/loudly) (the what? noise?)
5.The king and the queen live (happy/happily)together.
6.Every morning,my parents get up (lately/early)
7.The students are (good/well) at drawing.
8.Samuel is a (friendy/rudely) boy. (friendly?)
9.Travelling by MTR is (comfotable/comfortably).

2011-06-30 19:36:24 補充:
1. Judy always speaks to her teachers (polite/politely) .
Answer is politely

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