
2011-06-30 12:49 am
我係日本超市,一時魯莽,偷左食物,日用品,尿片等,價值$743.9 ,家中有1名15歲長子,14歲次子,唔夠2歲既幼子,個日我帶住個幼子,跟手去超市,身上夠$,但係諗住唉..算啦,就拿左好多野出左黎,一出,個機就響,我冇走,個職員行埋黎,報左警,被警方告盜竊,家下叫左個d仔女寫求情信同悔過書,有冇用架,仲有咩可以幫到我,真係幫幫手大佬唔該!/口\我真係知衰架啦!

回答 (3)

2011-06-30 9:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
Oh well....

I don't think it really helps.

Based on the amount you steal - you are lightweight. Unless this is not your first conviction, otherwise, your background and probation report will suggest that sentencing will not be the best solution for your conviction.

In most of the cases - this should be your outcome:

1. Probation for certain time

2. Repay the price for the stolen items.

3. Get a criminal record

If you have done it, pledging guilty and make your case to the judge may help you even more.

I don't know who is stupid enough to ask children to write something like this.
2011-07-14 1:19 am

根據你偷的金額 - 你是輕量級的。除非這不是你第一次定罪,否則,你的背景和感化報告將顯示,量刑不會是最好的解決方案。

在大多數的情況下 - 這應該是你的結果:




參考: google翻譯
2011-07-02 3:31 am
gary兄講得好啱. 店鋪盜竊7百幾蚊, 你肯認罪嘅話, 好大機會判感化及罰錢. 重有可能判社會服務令 (因為你帶住小朋友犯法, 法官會認為較一般案嚴重). 但就唔會為盜竊7百幾蚊而判你坐監. 當然, 留案底一定少不免啦.
唔好叫d仔女寫求情信!! 第一, 會影響小朋友心理 (阿媽 / 阿爸犯法, 要d仔女寫信向個官求情, 你話佢哋個心會點諗?). 最重要嘅係, 你叫d未成年小朋友寫求情信, 法官會之視為 exploitation of minors, 即係你利用咗你嘅小朋友, 所以會判你重d刑罰!!

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