choosing University coures (uk

2011-06-29 2:12 am
I am currently studying Alevel in the UK, and i have problem with choosing courses...

I am stuyding biology, chemsitry, maths and psychology atm..

I am a peron who is who likes critical thinking, thoughtful, like to analysis, like to work in team, enjoy disscusion in a team, love to think up new ideas etc.

so what uni course do you think I am suitable and what job should i do?pleases please help me out..

回答 (1)

2011-07-05 3:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 如果你係唔知你要做咩/讀咩既話, 我建議你先可以用elimination 既方法, 去睇下你鍾意d 咩, 問一問你自己, 你會唔會鍾意讀一d course 係有好多數既? 如果唔鍾意, 咁engineering 果d 就唔駛諗, 再問一問你自己, 你鍾唔鍾做legal 既野? 如果唔鍾意, 咁law 果一d 就一定唔啱你了. 咁樣樣, 至會會有個idea 你想做咩先既.

2) 以你呢個combination, 如果你係鍾意諗野, 你可以揀psy讀, 再唔係, 你鍾意discuss 野既, 你可以揀讀business, 因為咁樣樣有多d 機會去做project, 可以develop 到team work 既.

3) 當然, 亦有其他野揀啦, 可以做research 又得, 咁就可以揀science 既course, 咁如果你真係咁鍾意analysis, 咁research 都係一個好既course.

4) 以上都係suggestion, 最後都係要你自己點諗, 因為如果我叫你去讀science, 你真係去讀science, 咁樣樣就好唔得嘛... 因為最後讀完出黎個deg 都係你既. 做咩工都唔緊要, 因為講真, 好多banking 都唔係只係請讀business 既人, 所以讀咩都冇所謂, 最緊要係你自己知道你會讀得開心就可以了.

5) 你可以去下大學既open day 睇下, 咁at least 你會知多d 果個course 係讀咩既. 因為有時你諗既, 同埋真實既, 真係會好唔同.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]

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