
2011-06-28 9:30 pm
枕頭套使用了一段時間後, 有頭油異味. 想問問如何洗去枕頭套頭油異味? 曾嘗試浸泡枕套在滴露和洗衣粉幾個小時,仍然沒有用。你能幫助嗎?

回答 (4)

2011-06-29 2:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
各大醫院 卓思廊 醫療護理用品店有售
2011-07-02 11:11 pm
2011-06-29 8:39 pm
Re: Richard
Even if you are bald, you will still have oil residue from your scalp, which will end up on your pillow cases! So your suggestion is not good, and very pessimistic.

2011-06-29 12:42:42 補充:
Re: Richard
Even if you are bald, you will still have oil residue from your scalp, which will end up on your pillow cases! So your suggestion is not good, and very pessimistic.

2011-07-03 21:46:40 補充:
Thank you! tried it already but it didn't work.
2011-06-29 8:32 pm
有!剃晒的頭髮,就深層次的解決這個問題 !

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