UE English Proof reading

2011-06-28 7:10 pm
Car-racing at high speed is now commonplace in the New Territories. It will come as no surprise to anyone that there is reported to be a great deal of triad involvement in this dangerous sport of illegal road racing in Hong Kong. What does come as a surprise , however , is the Hong Kong government 's complete lack of political will to deal with the problem.

1. 在最後一行,為什麼lack of political ? lack of 後面不是應該加noun的嗎?
2. 最後一行,為什麼 will 後面要加to 再加verb? 不可以直接 will deal with嗎?


回答 (2)

2011-06-28 9:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
岩呀...political will咪noun囉...
will係度係noun解意願...political (adj) describe "will"

因為will 係noun...so你第2個問題已經唔成立....
to 係因為is 呢個verb 而加
2011-06-28 7:27 pm
1). lack is already a Noun now .
2). Will should be add a word >> to to support the will

SEE ??

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