英文(Part of speech) HELP!!

2011-06-28 4:29 am

I smile ________(happy) -->呢句要係咩詞類,點解?


回答 (3)

2011-06-30 10:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I smile __happily_____(happy) -->呢句要係副詞 - happily是形容笑得很開心o 副詞通常是ly尾o
He smiles happily.

I eat quickly .

He eats happily.

I am happy = happy 是形容詞- 是我很開心o

He is happy.
He wears a happy smile.

2011-06-29 5:44 am


在這句話,你需要一個詞或短語來修飾'I' 或 'smile'.


1. 要修飾 'I' (subject),
e.g. I smile like a carton character. (prepositional phrase, tells us 'I'
and 'like a cartoon character' are similar).

2. 要修飾 'smile' (verb)

e.g. I smile once/ sometimes/ from time to time. ( adverb/ adverbial of
frequency, tells us the frequency of the action),

e.g. I smile shyly. ( adverb of manner, tells us how 'I' do the action),

e.g. I smile in the garden / in front of an audience (prepositional phrase,
tells us where the action takes place; it is also seen as adverb of

2011-06-28 21:46:14 補充:
The answer to your fill in the blank question is: the adverb 'happily' as you need an adverb to modify the verb 'smile'.
參考: own knowledge
2011-06-28 6:03 am
I smile a happy smile. a==indefinate article; happy==adjective. smile==noun.
I smile a bitter smile.
I smile with happiness. with==preposition; happiness==noun;
I smile with smilingly. smilingly==adverb

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