Sweet 16: Birthday Themes?

2011-06-26 8:13 pm
I'm a girl having a sweet 16 this year. I need ideas for a theme.
if you could help that would be awesome :)

回答 (4)

2011-06-26 8:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
candyland theme
masquerade theme
black and white clothes theme
moulin rouge theme
crazy hair theme
crazy hat theme
pajama theme
celebrity theme(dress up like a celeb of ur choice)
around the world theme(dress up in clothes from all around the world)
new york theme
tropical island theme
winter wonderland theme
fantasy theme(princesses and princes)
beach theme(tropical island)
glow in the dark theme
hope that helps!!! :)
參考: me
2017-02-27 6:59 pm
while you're doing a Blast from the previous, why no longer bypass all out and comprise till now time sessions- even the 1800s or something? If I have been going to a type of events, i could wanna bust out considered one of my Nineteen Fifties or 80s clothing ;) it truly is an quite stable thought, i could try this for my 18ths birthday it is bobbing up in some months.
2014-03-10 9:21 am
Turn your pictures to be theme,Do it yourself:http://www.c-launcher.com/
2011-06-26 8:25 pm
come as your favorite rock star or recording artist and be prepared to sing one of their songs in Karoke. Give it a Glee theme.

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