Grammar Checking

2011-06-26 10:53 pm
Social Issue: Youth Drug Abuse PreventionInterviewee: Mandy Kwan Interviewer: Tiffany Li Mandy Kwan is one of the participants of 'Trial Scheme on School Drug Testing in Tai Po District’. Also, half of Mandy's class had joined the scheme. She claimed that she volunteered to participate in the scheme because she thought that the scheme would help to curb the trend of drug abuse in school. Mandy said that the implementation of school drug testing scheme should be voluntary because students have rights to protect their privacy.Also,she thought that she felt more comfortable and free if they had option. Mandy responded that she would support the government implementing the scheme because she believed that there would be a great benefit to the students as anti-drug abuse could protect students' heath and establish a healthy campus. Moreover, she saw the scheme brought positive impacts to students that it increased students' awareness of anti-drug abuse.However,she thought that the compulsory implementation of school drug-testing scheme in all secondary schools is unfeasible because it was difficult to implement a wide-ranging scheme as it included a lot of heavy and complicated procedures. Mandy suggested that the government should do more promotions since there was still many students did not really understand the details of the school drug-testing scheme.

回答 (1)

2011-06-27 7:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
Mandy Kwan is one of the participants of 'Trial Scheme on School Drug Testing in Tai Po District’. Also, h==> (delete 'Also') Half of Mandy's class had joined the scheme. She claimed that she (had) volunteered to participate in the scheme because she thought that the scheme would help to curb the trend of drug abuse in school. Mandy said that the implementation of school drug testing scheme should be voluntary because students have rights ==> (the right) to protect their privacy. Also, she thought that==>(can be deleted as it is not really necessary) she felt more comfortable and free if they==>(participants) had option. Mandy responded that she would support==> (do you mean supported, as she had already volunteered) the government implementing==>('s implementation of) the scheme because she believed that there would be a great benefit to the students as anti-drug abuse could protect students' heath and establish a healthy campus. Moreover, she saw that the scheme had brought positive impacts(delete 's' as 'impact' is uncountable here) to students that it had increased students' awareness of anti-drug abuse. However,she thought that the compulsory implementation of school drug-testing scheme in all secondary schools is (was) unfeasible because it was difficult to implement a wide-ranging scheme as it included a lot of heavy and complicated procedures. ('heavy' and 'procedure' don't seem to go together [wrong collocation]. Do you mean 'tedious'?)Mandy suggested that the government should do more promotions==>(promote the scheme more/ do more promotion. 'promotion' here is uncountable) since there was still ==> (still are) many students did not==>(who do not) really understand the details of the school drug-testing scheme.

I hope that I have helped you.
參考: own knowledge

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:03:48
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