How do you provide proof to the SSA/IRS it wasn't you working under your SS#?

2011-06-26 4:36 am
Providing this so called proof is the million dollar question?

回答 (5)

2011-06-26 4:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
provide pay stubs of the place you were working, or anything that your SSN is used for during the same time the other claim is being submitted
2011-06-26 4:39 am
The easiest way is to show where you were working and the fact that it's almost physically impossible to hold 2 full time jobs if one is in California and the other is in Texas.
2011-06-26 4:41 am
Prove you were somewhere else. Another job, out of town, video cam pics of you on the street corner harassing tourists for money.

Videos from the jobsite you allegedly worked at, or from nearby businesses that might have seen your alleged comings and goings.

The list goes on, it might cost a few bucks, but if the answer is, as you say, "The million dollar question", then it's cheap money well spent.

2011-06-26 5:34 am
First pull your FREE credit report from "". You are allowed one free credit report from each credit bureau every year. Look to see if you are a victim or identity theft. If you are, follow the procedures to question incorrect information on your credit report. Then FREEZE your credit. Do not accept "credit alert" as this does not stop others from using your credit.
參考: CPA
2011-06-26 5:26 am
And quit wasting your time on yahoo answer and start getting this matter taken care of with the correct office that you will have to contact and furnish whatever proof that they will require you to get and give to them for this purpose.
And you can BET that the can give you a list of the things that you will need for this purpose before it is taken care of and ever thing is gets back to normal in your life.
Hope that you find the above enclosed information useful. 06/25/2011

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