
2011-06-26 2:55 am



回答 (1)

2011-06-26 11:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 但據聞有些英國大學都會睇GCSE成績,此言是否屬實?如是,會睇幾多?

>> 有一d 大學會睇, 有一d 唔會, 佢地expect 你至少有考到maths 同science, 有一d 會要求有英文(但考ielts 都一樣可以). 但係如果你係gce 成績係好的話, 其實考唔考gcse 亦冇咩所謂, 因為apply時, 佢地要你寫上係幾時考既, 如果係見到, 係同一年考哂gcse 同gce, 佢地都會覺得奇怪. 所以就咁考gce 加上你既dse 就可以了. 其實有時佢地睇gce 既原因係因為, 可能果一個subject, 係需要少少maths 既, 但佢怕你gce 冇讀maths, 所以就希望你既maths 都會有gcse 既standard, 但如果你有gce 既maths, 咁考唔考gcse 既maths 都係一樣.

2) 考的話,三個月的時間,會否足夠準備?
>> gcse 係易既, 3個月一定夠.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]

2011-06-28 17:32:46 補充:
As long as you have GCE exams, then u will be fine, its like those studying in AUS, they only got their national exams then they come straight to the UK, they will consider the case one by one esp u are an oversea student. some Top unis, e.g oxbirdge, IC, UCL, LSE would wish to see GCSE results.
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]

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