AL chemistry (structure)

2011-06-25 8:04 pm


can someone give me the explanation of part 2's answer? why is the hybridization state of Si sp3? I think SiO2 is linear. It should be sp hybridized. If it is SiO4, then it should be tetrahedral(sp3 hybridized). Isn't it?

回答 (1)

2011-06-25 8:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You are deceived !!!
SiO2 is not linear.
Open you textbook(Physical Chem. , Topic:Ionic Structure)

You could find that.
In Quartz(SiO2),
-Each silicon atom is joined by covalent bonds to four Oxygen atoms .

-The four Si-O bonds point towards the corner of tethrahedron .

-Each oxyen atom is bonded to two silicon atom .

*Quartz(SiO2) forms a three-dimensional structure.

Therefore, the structure of SiO2 should be:

(Picture captured from Wiki.)
(For Reference only)

2011-06-25 13:06:06 補充:
Sorry!!!!!! The topic should be Covalent Crystals.

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