Is it true that if there is no crucifixion and resurrection then there is no Christianity?

2011-06-24 9:00 pm
Taking a once over of the ol' bible on an unrelated matter and Corinthians15 verse 13-14 caught my attention:

If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.

So really to disprove Paul (and his founded religion Christianity) all you have to do is disprove his crucifixion and resurrection theory?

Surely the bible itself disproves him then as Jesus in the upper room is flesh and bones so not resurrected. This because he had not been fully crucified just put on the cross until unconscious. The capital punishment of crucifixion ends in the person being killed by having his legs broken with a hammer which causes asphyxiation.

Surely there must be something Paul has forgot to mention?

回答 (10)

2011-06-24 9:07 pm
Yes Jesus 'gave up the ghost' and died for our sins and He was raised again on the third day as had been prophesied. Simple truths that underpin the Christian faith...if they were not true...there would be no point in believing... Thank God that are true.
2011-06-24 9:02 pm
Maybe you're not getting that whole resurrection thingy.

Yeah, I'll have to agree with Bro Paul, w/out dat, we ain't really got anything special.
2011-06-24 9:08 pm
Well it is true if Jesus did not die and was not raised again our faith in God is in vain.

Now to answer you second point. If you knew Roman crucifixion and you the knew the validity of the testimony of Jesus on the cross. Then you he died! That is one of the most amazing facts in history. Jesus did die; and yes He did rise according to the Scriptures. He did not swoon or become unconscious. The beatings he received were horrible. The crucifixion itself is the worst form of capital punishment devised by men. The Roman's were perfect at this. They would not let anyone touch a body on a cross, and the penalty to do so was the same - crucifixion. The Roman that was set to watch the crucifixion to make sure that those that were crucified died before being taken off the cross. The Roman was amazed that Jesus had died so quickly to the point that he thrust his lance into Jesus' side and out came water and blood, showing that Jesus had died his heart exploded. Medical doctors confirm this testimony as factual.

Paul did not forget anything!
2011-06-24 9:06 pm
It doesn't really matter what happened to the historical Jesus, it's the religious figure that counts.
2011-06-24 9:11 pm
Yes. It is true. Without the crucifixion and resurrection, then Christ has no authority. Why follow a false prophet? Why follow a liar? Why follow an insane guy who thought he was the son of God?

But, Christ is the Son of God. But Christ did die on the cross. But Christ did have authority over death and rose from the grave.

You are making assumptions which are not valid. You think you know the rules for just what constitutes a resurrected body? Why would it have to be the same rules as before the body died?

There is no good reason why God, Jesus the Son of God, cannot pass through solid matter. Nor is there any good reason to believe that you know whether or not any other being of heaven, or not of this Earth, cannot pass through solid matter at will.

You don't know one way or the other. And yet you make an assumption and treat it as a solid and undeniable fact.
2011-06-24 9:03 pm
You'll never convince the faithful with that argument.

I like to thing Christianity has value without the resurrection or any other unbelievable fantasy: as a philosophy of aggressive benevolence.
2011-06-24 9:19 pm
I am Catholic, we believe Jesus created the Catholic church, it is the oldest form of Christianity, also the largest with over a billion members worldwide. there is a crucifixion in every catholic church, so I would say yes
參考: Catholic
2011-06-24 9:02 pm
I Cor. Ch.2: v-14
But the natural man receives not the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness to him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

The ol once over will never reveal a single thing to the lost. If it weren't so sad, I'd laugh.
2011-06-24 9:29 pm
These fables from Paul's letters were to convince the followers in Corinth at that time.

The man, Jesus probably never existed, resurrection is preposterous and crucifixion was a common punishment under the Romans.

Paul forgot to mention that he hyped up the stories for maximum effect!

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