Another Elementary algebra question?

2011-06-24 6:53 pm
87 1/2%t = 35
7/8t = 35

My question is, how do you get 7/8 form 87 1/2%? Can someone show me the work? thanks in advance.

回答 (4)

2011-06-24 7:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Some people memorize percents as fractions, like 25%=1/4., or 1/3= 33 1/3%. The eighths are 1/8 =12.5%, 3/8= 37.5%, 5/8=62.5%, and 7/8= 87.5%

But there are several ways to simplify
87 1/2%= 87.5%= .875=875/1000
reduce 875/1000 by 125/125
= 7/8

On the calculator, just divide 35 by .875

To finish the problem, multiply both sides by 8/7
then t=(8/7)(35)=40
Hoping this helps!
2011-06-25 2:00 am
Write 87.5/100 and reduce to lowest terms. You do that by dividing numerator and denominator by 12.5.
If you have a calculator such as a TI-83 Plus or TI-84 that reduces fractions to lowest terms, you can use that also.

2011-06-25 2:01 am
175/2 divide by 7/8
175/2 x 8/7=100
參考: ok
2011-06-25 1:56 am
87 1/2% = 0.875
0.875*8 = 7

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