英文翻譯中文...... 急

2011-06-24 6:49 pm
可以幫忙翻譯以下問題為中文......仲要用中英文回答,Thank's!"Do you still have this item which you posted on yahoo auction for sale? And how much is the last price of the item?

回答 (2)

2011-06-24 6:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
呢個物件最後出價是多少? 應該系指拍賣品

你可以答:yes, i have. the last bid is $xxxx .you are welcome to bid.
是的。我有。最後叫價是 $xxxx.. 你可以出價競投.

你可以答:sorry, this item was sold.

2011-06-24 13:19:08 補充:
掛號 register a registered letter 掛號信
I want this letter registered. 我想掛號郵寄這封信

平郵 post
Do you mind posting a letter for me? 你能幫我寄封信嗎?

你就咁話by post or register 就得

2011-06-24 14:30:35 補充:
it takes three days to produce this item
2011-06-24 10:12 pm
Howe 答得非常好, 但

以平郵寄出 = by ordinary post
以掛號寄出 = by registered post

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