
2011-06-24 8:45 am

Thanks in advance!

回答 (3)

2011-06-24 9:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi there,

The translation is

'If I had expressed my love to you earlier than he did, would you have considered accepting me?'

(I do not think there is 'tried to consider' in English so I have left it out in the

translation. But you can change it to 'have tried to consider' if it is what you

really want.)

Hope I have helped you. Please do not delete this answer as I would prefer to share it. Thank you!
2011-06-24 8:21 pm

Will you accpet me rather than him if I have confessed earlier?
參考: meme
2011-06-24 5:51 pm
If I tell the truth than his earlier Xiangni love you I will try to consider accepting

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