Chocolate bar questionnaire for adults 25-40 years?

2011-06-23 7:14 pm
Would some kind people please answer questions about chocolate for me? :D I would appreciate it very much!!! <3 he-he please be honest

This is some research about adults aged 25 - 40 who eat CHOCOLATE BARS, what you prefer and habits etc. Please answer these 11 questions by choosing what applies to you AND chocolate bars. THANK YOU :)

1) Male or female

2) 25-30, 31-35, 36 - 40

3) Occupation

4)Milk chocolate, white chocolate, dark chocolate, other please specify

5) Plain, Nuts, Caramel, Alcoholic, other please specify

6) How often do you eat chocolate per day? hardly, 2-3 times, 4 times or more

7) You eat chocolate to: relieve stress, snack, indulge, energy food, other please specify

8) Texture: Crunchy/crispy, smooth, mixture, flake/crumbly, other please specify

9) For an average chocolate bar: under 50p, 51 - 99p, £1 - £ 1.50, £ 1.51 or more

10) Do you buy chocolate bars from: Supermarket, Local/corner shop, Chocolatiers, Online, School or work, other please specify

11) Would you be more attracted to chocolate bar with visually appealing packaging? yes or no

Thanks you so much in advance :)

just choose the options e.g if you are 29 choose the '25 - 30' category. thanks :)

回答 (6)

2011-06-27 4:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) Male or female
2) 25-30, 31-35, 36 - 40
3) Occupation
Foods Industry Lab Technologist
4)Milk chocolate, white chocolate, dark chocolate, other please specify
5) Plain, Nuts, Caramel, Alcoholic, other please specify
Plain (Nuts SOMETIMES)
6) How often do you eat chocolate per day? hardly, 2-3 times, 4 times or more
2-3 times
7) You eat chocolate to: relieve stress, snack, indulge, energy food, other please specify
snack, indulge, pleasure
8) Texture: Crunchy/crispy, smooth, mixture, flake/crumbly, other please specify
9) For an average chocolate bar: under 50p, 51 - 99p, £1 - £ 1.50, £ 1.51 or more
£ 1.51 or more
10) Do you buy chocolate bars from: Supermarket, Local/corner shop, Chocolatiers, Online, School or work, other please specify
Supermarket, Chocolatiers, Boutique shops
11) Would you be more attracted to chocolate bar with visually appealing packaging? yes or no
no consciously and yes subconsciously
2016-05-15 2:43 pm
1. Do you eat chocolate? Yes 2. How often do you eat chocolate? Liiiike every 2 days or so 3. Why do you eat chocolate? Because it's tasty :d 4. What is your favourite chocolate bar? Snickers 5. What is your favourite type of chocolate? b. White 6. What is your favourite shape/format of chocolate? a. A single bar 7. What promotion is most likely to entice you to buy a chocolate bar? a. Free sample 8. Why would you buy a new chocolate bar? c. Promotional activities (E.g. BOGOFF) 9. What price are you normally willing to pay for a chocolate bar? $1.00 10. Where do you normally buy your chocolate bar? Nearby Deli 11. Would you be interested in a single Malteser chocolate bar? It is similar to the MaltEaster bunny but will be available all year round in the shape of a normal chocolate bar. Why not? 12. How much would you expect it to weight? Lol i dunno , like the weight of the average cellphone 13. How much would you be willing to pay? $1.00-$2.00 14. When and where would you buy this product? Anytime i'm in a chocolate mood. And the better question is , Where would it be sold ? 15. Do you have any name suggestions? I'm no good with names . Just call it Chocolate . Lol
2011-07-01 3:24 am
1) Male
2) 31-35
3) Student
4) Milk chocolate, and also dark chocolate.
5) Plain. Nuts.
6) Per day? 3 times a week.
7) relieve stress, snack, indulge.
8) Texture. all of these are good.
9) £1 - £ 1.50
10) Local/corner shop, vending machines
11) no
2011-06-23 7:24 pm
1. male.. supposively.

2. eh.. 34?

3. boss.... don't ask.

4. beats me, i'm allergic to heavily processed chocolates.. i get mine from wine shops, cheese shops and other specialty places..... so i tolerate it better... (processed chocolates are watered down and made from the same equipment as everything else.. yuck!)

i love jalapeneo chocolate from mexitexano shop from argentina.. (don't ask... i don't know why they call it that) it's great.. they have many other types! it's expensive though.)

i eat specialty and home made stuff.... so you'd have to surf for it online or ask.

5. can't eat nuts... alcoholic is crap.. from the same processing as nuts... sorry.... unless it was specialty made from a small/indipendant co.

6. rarely... maybe on my birthday and xmas.

7. i eat when i'm hungry.. no other reason.

8. it depends on mood and what i've been able to aquire.

9. heh... cheapest i can get is $5 per 4.oz container.

10. specialty shops and indipendant providers/makers.

11. not really... labelling is just a scam.

2011-06-23 7:18 pm
1) Female
2) 25-30
4) Milk Chocolate
7) Indulge
8) Smooth
9) sorry not the same currency!
10) Supermarket
11) yes!

Hope this helps! :)
2011-06-23 7:14 pm
i dont understand?

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