
2011-06-24 5:45 am
i am surely be competent for the job

回答 (2)

2011-06-28 6:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am sure that I will be competent for the job.
Surely, I will be competent for the job.
2011-06-24 8:37 am
Hi there,
the answer is no, because your the sentence is grammatically wrong.
The sentence structure of your sentence should be:

'I' + verb-to-be 'am' + adverb 'surely' + adjective 'competent' ....

Delete 'be' as the meaning is in 'am'.

The correct sentence should be:

I am surely competent for the job.

Pls do not delete this answer as I would prefer to share it. Thank you!

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