
2011-06-24 3:25 am
Before the lunch break, the groups will be required to make their own lunch with given ingredients, each group designated a different set of food and drinks



回答 (3)

2011-06-24 3:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
The sentence should be like this:

Before the lunch break, the groups 1) were required to make their own lunch with given ingredients, each group 2) designed 3) different sets of lunch.

1) : According to the sentence, this action is a pass action, but if this is a past future tense, it can be changed into "would be required".
2) : "Designated" means do something according to someone or some instructions, but this sentence means that each group create their own menu, therefore, "designed" is replaced. If you really want to use the word "designated", you can use "each group made / finished different designated sets of lunch".
3) : We use "different sets" instead of "a different set" because there are several groups in this action and 'different" means that there are at least two things which are not the same. I use "lunch" instead of "food and drinks" because "food and drinks" are a little bit clumsy.
參考: my opinion
2011-06-24 8:42 pm
如果佢未比d ingredients既話...最後個句應該係咁講...
each group will be designated with a different set of food and drinks

each group has been designated with a different set of food and drinks
參考: meme
2011-06-24 7:28 am

Before the lunch break/Before the lunch-time, the (four) groups are required to make their own lunch with the given ingredients;each gourp is designated to cook the specified dish.

註釋 : 如果係參賽規則, 可以用現在時式(present tense) ; 不然, 就用過去時式(past tense).

2011-06-26 11:55:09 補充:
發問者: 現在時式或將來時式或現在完成時式或過去時式等, 皆可以用於 proposal (計畫書/建議書), 但是要注意: 不同情況, 要用不同時式!!

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