What are some good discussion topics for a thesis on Chiron?

2011-06-22 3:05 pm
I have so far:
It's mythology and how it correlates to the interpretation
But my mind is rather blank here.

回答 (2)

2011-06-22 3:28 pm
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Somehow I also thought there was a myth about Chiron and Sagittarius and how they relate. I am at work and don't have access to the book, but I can e-mail you later if you like.
2011-06-22 10:58 pm
you can google for details, but originally most centaurs were wild brash beasts who loved to eat drink and be merry, then came chiron who was a centaur but he was civilized and philosophical. i think he taught the other centaurs to reach for higher learning. one day at a feast with hercules and other centaurs a fight broke out and chiron was accidentally poisoned (by an arrow i think). when he died, zues put him in the stars so he could also be a god and live forever. thats where the constellation sagittarius comes from
參考: sagittarius

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