english questions

2011-06-23 4:52 am
我想問下如果一本書,佢係用poast tense寫既,咁原本既present perfect tense係唔係會轉做past perfect?咁原本既past perfect轉做咩?

"who doesn't like him?"
"how could i know she isn't the owner?"


回答 (3)

2011-06-23 6:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
原本既present perfect tense 轉做=>past perfect tense

原本既present perfect=> past perfect

原本既 past => past perfect

原本既 past perfect = past perfect

"who doesn't like him?"

This sentence is correct. It means 'Everyone likes him'. It is not a real question because an answer is not expected, as the answer is understood and not required. It is to emphasize that 'everyone likes him'.

"how could i know she isn't the owner?"

This sentence is also correct. It means that the speaker didn't know that the person in question is not the owner. It implies that she had thought that she was the owner.

I hope that I have helped you. Pls do not delete this answer as I would prefer to share it. Thank you!
2011-06-24 7:53 am
發問者: 您是否想問Direct speech 轉Indirect speech 的時式問題?
2011-06-23 7:05 pm
Present perfect tense will be changed into past perfect tense.
Past perfect tense will remain unchanged.
"Who doesn't like him?" is grammatically correct.
"How could I know she isn't the owner?" is also grammatically correct. However, I doubt what meaning you want to convey. In a interrogative tone or sarcastic tone?

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