膝頭時常甩臼.... 已成一世? 我只有17歲..熱愛足球.

2011-06-23 2:31 am
3年前 在手球比賽中 比人側撞 膝頭向內咬 " 古古 " 聲
當時小腿伸直時會有卡實 後來即時到急症救助
可是照完x光 話冇事 之後一直置之不理 ( 當時壓腿膝頭會有受壓)

個半年後 但踢球時 很大力把膝頭 " chok ''' 甩
大大的 '' 古古 '' 一聲 當時去看鐵打 說只是刃帶發炎 夫藥解決
過多一個月再試踢波 可是 很快就把失頭chok出
後到屯門醫院救骨科救疹 做完磁力共震

直到現在.. 數數我可能總共甩過約10次臼 壓腿時感到極大壓力

但是我在醫院報告中我並沒有問題 膝頭一切正常
醫說還說我的情況不叫作甩臼 真正的甩臼 刃帶必定會斷

我所謂的甩臼 感覺是 膝頭會 ''古古''一聲 感覺 裡面什麼東西迅速分離
再迅速回復 但當然.. 呢種痛是不能解釋...

我要求的是 我想知我的情況究竟怎麼了 ? 我是否一世也要這樣? 有沒有什麼方法可以解決.... 有沒有一些過來人可分享...

我的人生感到迷惘... 希望得到真誠的答覆.. 謝

回答 (3)

2011-06-23 8:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
因為你已經做過MRI應該不會是十字韌帶斷裂的情況。 1. 按你的描述,應該是韌帶、關節囊鬆馳。2. 關節正常咬合失常,所以容易有甩脫之感覺。 需要強化韌帶和肌肉。增強關節的穩固性。應該有方法。 如有疑問,可諮詢。樂匯養生中心 導師專業 運動人體科學碩士 具豐富的運動損傷調理經驗。
參考: 樂匯養生中心FACEBOOK
2011-06-23 10:24 am
i dislocated my shoulders 8 years ago, i have dislocated the same shoulder at least over 50 times during the first 4 years. i dislocated while i am sleeping, playing basketball and snowboarding, all the time...however i couldnt take it anymore, so i go and consulted many doctors, some recommended me to go for physiotherapy. but it doesnt work at all. so i tried chiropractor, it helps a bit, it strengthen my shoulders, and relaxed my joint and put my tendons back into the right place, so that it wont have those "clack clack" noise. however, since i have dislocated my shoulder for so many times, joints and tendons are decading, so the chiropractor suggested me to take kirkland glucosamine(US brand)(葡萄糖胺) and omega 3 together. glucosamine helps me to rebuilt my joint cushions and omega 3 helps to prevent inflammation, then till now, my joints are getting much much better, i could play boxing and baseball now. i could not say that its 100% back to normal, but at least 85% like before. so till now, i havent pop my shoulder for 4 years. which i must say i am happy to be this way. however, taking those glucosamine is hella expensive in hong kong, so i brought it from some online store that have imported health supplements, which is more cheap and more in quantity.
so what i suggest u to do is to go and c a chiropractor and c how it goes and also take glucosamine and omega 3
in case u want the website i got my glucosamine and omega 3 here u go
if u have further questions, u could contact me at [email protected]
2011-06-23 5:53 am

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