What is it about your home that makes it home to you?

2011-06-22 7:47 am
Kids running around screaming? Comfy beds? The smell of freshly baked food?

回答 (11)

2011-06-22 7:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
my pets
參考: ww
2011-06-22 3:00 pm
I own it, it's completely paid off, and spent $21,000 for renovations and it is one of the nicest houses on our block. What makes it homey is that the it has been in our family since I was a kid and has many memories attached to it.
2011-06-22 2:53 pm
I am not a neat freak...but i like things to be where i know I can find them. This gives me a sense of control and comfort within my place. It is as if there is nothing that can confuse or confound me.... it is a peaceful no stress place where we can do as we wish without obstacles to prevent us from doing as we wish in our little kingdom.

Yeah we love to cook (both of us) especially BBQ. I play the guitar so weekends are full of singing and good food...man what a life!
ah...home sweet home.
2011-06-22 2:50 pm
I have a key to get in.
2011-06-22 2:49 pm
My bf and my nut case cat..... :)
2011-06-22 2:49 pm
My liquor cabinet and a fridge drawer full of cheese.

<3 cheese
2011-06-22 2:49 pm
cat turds
2011-06-22 2:48 pm
comfy bed, privacy, and my food!
2011-06-22 2:48 pm
My dog greeting me at the door! :)
2011-06-22 2:51 pm
Home isn't home to me anymore. I come from Sydney and I get epic noglastia every time I visit, though. That's home.
2011-06-22 2:49 pm
The weed under my matrix :p

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