
2011-06-22 2:12 am

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2011-06-26 5:30 pm
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First, let's talk about India, In the past when India was still a British colony, Indians, especially Indian women, knew that their only way to get away from provery is to leave India and work in other countries. So Indians spent lots of time learning English and it is a fact that women knowing English could marry English-speaking men. That is why they devoted all their life learning English. Even nowadays, this carries some truth in it. Regarding Malaysia, and Singapore, ( Singpapore was once part of Malaysia) Both are multi-national states, with a lot of Indians, Parkistaneses and Africans living in the countries. They need to use English for communication, in the wet markets, bars and restaurants etc. Hong Kong adults use little English in the work places and students use English in the classrooms only. As part of the educational and political policies, Putonhua is getting more important in HK schools. It is really a shame that the English standard of most Hong Kong people is falling. When I was in primary school, we used books imported from Malaysia and India. Our standard / level was almost the same. Nowadays, it is a sad reality that a form five or NSS2 student can only read the primary 2 books in Singapore. You can see the big gap in the standard of English between the two places.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:02:54
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