
2011-06-21 7:36 pm
內容大概係咁 :

主題 : 一名男子因電梯故障而跌倒

2000年2月1日01:30於xx大廈內, 一名男子因L11電梯不正常地升高2吋而絆倒在電梯內.
希望 貴公司能盡快到本大廈對有關的電梯作出檢查及維修.

內容要有日期時間地點, 同埋發生乜野事.
但係感覺上好似有d簡單, 無高人可以幫忙~?

回答 (4)

2011-06-22 1:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
HI,they use google 翻譯 to directly translate your paragraph and i think
it's a kind of behaviour that do not show respect to others.
Here's my own writing.

Subject:A man fell down due to the fault of elevator
01:30 on the 1st Feb,2000,A man tripped over on the elevator L11 at xx building due to the elevators' suddenly raised and acceleration for 2 inches abnormally,The man's spine was severely injured and his elbows were twisted.He was sent to hospital for furhter treatment.
I was astonished by this suprisingly serious accident in my building.Residents live in the building were panic as well.In order to prevent similar accidents
happen,I'd expect you(貴公司可直接用you代表) to launch iinspectations to elevators to examinate for any potential risks and do repair it accordingly as faster as possible.please take efficent actions to ensure our elevators' safety.
2011-06-23 2:30 am
Dear Sir/Madam,

Re : An Accident Inside the out-of-order Lift No.L11 of XXX
On 1st February, 2000 (01:30), when a man was about to enter Lift No.11, the lift suddently lifted off the ground floor. As a result, the man stumbled over and hit his head inside the afore-said lift, and he was sent to a hospital for treament.

In order to prevent similar accidents from happening again, you are required to send your technicians to test and inspect all the lifts inside our building as soon as possible. Meanwhile, you are liable to any losses and damages resulted therefrom.

We are looking forward to your reply soon.

Yours sincerely,

Mr./Miss XXX, Manager
XXX Property Management Ltd.

2011-06-29 11:26:02 補充:
發問者: 難道您不知道001和002回答者是使用網上軟體譯的嗎? 交付投票,真的公平公正? 愚弄網友!! 003的譯本有不少語法錯誤.
2011-06-21 10:28 pm
Subject: A man falls by the cause of elevator failure

To whom it may concern,

Due to the elevator, L11, failure by abnormaly rising by 2 inches, it casues a man tripping down on the 1st of February 1, 2000 at around 1:00 p.m at xxxx building.

May the company in charge please have your relevant inspection and maintenance as soon as possible. Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
(Your name)
參考: mememe =]
2011-06-21 8:13 pm
Subject: A man falls elevator failure

At 01:30 on February 1, 2000 at xx building, a man who does not normally increase the lift L11 2 inches and the trip in an elevator.
Hope that your company as soon as possible to the building elevator to the relevant inspection and maintenance.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:02:50
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