
2011-06-21 11:22 am

中文意思 理性的策略投資 Rational strategy investingRational strategy investment

回答 (4)

2011-06-21 6:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The answer should be rational strategic investment, not strategy investment, as you probably are not talking about investment in strategy, but investment that is strategic.

i hope i have helped you.
2011-06-22 12:03 am
grammer 2個都冇錯,


例如: "建議",我地會用suggestion,而唔會用suggesting

樓主用Rational strategy investment係冇問題嫁,因為有樣野係叫做compund noun, 者係好似guitar chord book, 2個noun合埋當一個noun咁睇係okay嫁 :)

2011-06-21 16:15:22 補充:
2011-06-21 6:16 pm
中文意思 理性的策略投資 "Rational strategy investment" is more correct.

The more common term is: "rational investment strategy", or "rational strategic investment".
參考: my past learning
2011-06-21 4:48 pm
It should be the second one. If you look at the Chinese meaning理性的策略投資,投資is used as a noun, so 'investment' will suit the structure. So I suppose it is 'rational strategy investment'.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:02:51
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