關於英文will與be going to的用法?

2011-06-21 12:25 am
以下兩個對話,紅字的部分,請問為何是用will 而不是用be going to?

1. A: I have a note for Joe from Rachel. I don't know what to do with it.
B: Let me have it. I will give it to him. He's in my algebra class.
A: Thanks. But you have to promise not to real it.

2. A: Did you know that Sara and I are moving? We found a great apartment
on 45th Street.
B: That's terrific. I will help you on moving day if you like.
A: Hey, great! We'd really appreciate that.


因為剛好學到will與be going to的用法 書上是說will與be going to都是表示將來要做的事 但will是說話當下所做的決定 be going to是之前就做的決定 練習中還有好多例題是要判斷用will 或 be going to 填空 所以我不能理解的是這兩題為什麼是用will 而不是 be going to? 請大大們再解惑一下吧!謝謝!

回答 (4)

2011-06-21 12:52 am
✔ 最佳答案

此兩處都用 will 是示強烈的意志,

I will give it to him......我一定會交給他.

I will help you on.....我一定會幫忙.

所以不能用 be going to (來去動詞) 來代替,因 be going to 只表示未來式的時態


2011-06-20 17:09:23 補充:
BEN 好友:

be going to 和 will 基本上是差不多的,但有時在強調某些事情時,還是有一點點的差別,

will be helping them when they move 是未來進行式,好像有點不適用.

2011-06-21 12:36:37 補充:
will 是和 be going to 在某些地方可以相通: (表未來式時 )

I will go to States tomorrow.

= I am going to States tmorrow.


I will help you for sure.....我確定會幫你的.

I am going to help you......我將會幫你 ( 可能會有但書)
2011-06-22 4:33 am
Dear Host,

雖然 ''Will'' and ''going to'' 字面上沒什麼差別, 但用法可差很多了


指未來要做的是還沒規劃, 整理好( not planned)

Going to,

指未來的是已經規劃, 整理好( planned)



2011-06-21 22:04:12 補充:

參考: ULTIMATE GENUINE ME (NOT ''GENIUS''), correction
2011-06-21 2:31 am

will (未來式助動詞) 和 will (意志) 系出同源,表達主觀意願較強,用於 Promises, Offers to help, Request for help, Predictions about the future, Refusal of things 等

be going to 主觀意志稍弱,描述一般意圖或本來就計畫好的事,用於 State a plan or intention

2011-06-21 12:50 am
我覺得沒有很明確的規則耶! 語氣說起來有點細微的差異,但我覺得差異很小。
我覺得如果你要很強調該動作,你就用will be V+ing,不然的話,就用簡單的will +動詞就好了。
用你的第二個例子來看,如果有人問你妳要幹麻,且你想要強調help的話,你就可以說I will be helping them when they move. 他們搬家的時候我會幫他們。

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