Five days no meat to bring down cholesterol?

2011-06-20 5:54 am
If I only eat vegetables and beans during the weekdays and allow myself to eat some meat on the weekend, does it help to bring down my cholesterol?

回答 (6)

2011-06-20 6:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
Probably, keep it lean and small amounts like 3-4 oz. No burgers or ground meat.

Buffalo meat is lean enough that you could probably have a little more.
2016-06-06 7:16 am
參考: Reduce Your Cholesterol Naturally -
2016-05-18 8:06 pm
Natural Cholesterol Guide?
2016-03-01 8:21 am
84 kg and height only 5 ft ! First of all reduce the weight. For this; 1) Drink plenty of water (not of fridge) 2) Jogging and yogas under supervision of expert. 3) Liquid food like pala bhaji, methi, mug dal curry, 4) No junk food at all. 5) Avoid oil fried food like vada, bhajiya etc. 6) Cow milk and curd must be used. 7)No food after 7:00PM. Only water if needed. 8) No non veg food. 9) No beverages 10) Regular exercise. For reducing cholesterol just type your question in yahoo search. Wish you good recovery
2011-06-22 1:53 pm
Lowering your cholesterol levels will surely require you to make adjustments in your new diet plan and lifestyle change, however, you must not feel that you have to completely give up on your favorite foods. You can still eat those foods but make sure to take them in moderation.

You'll just have to add foods which lower cholesterol to your diet plan such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains and try to quit some of the unhealthy habits that most of us cannot avoid.

Eliza Garnet
2011-06-20 6:01 am
stop eatin simple carbohydrates, and sugar and it will bring down ur cholesterol.

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