What are some good tips for photographing a person in low light?

2011-06-20 5:50 am
I want to photograph a person in a dark place with low light and have heavy shadowing. I'm thinking I can use homemade reflectors to help get some light in the photos, but is there anything else i can do?

回答 (2)

2011-06-20 6:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
get a trip pod, and a flash and bounce the flash off the reflector, use a background that has light that you find interesting, and use a high iso like 1600 or 3200, make sure you model stays very still, have them take a few breaths before you take the picture. it will help them relax.
2011-06-20 1:00 pm
You can use the camera's built in flash.

You can use a very fast lens (it lets more light in).

You can increase your ISO.

You can use slower shutter speed.


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