How does windows read it's SAM file ?

2011-06-20 4:04 am
Windows stores its password hashes in SAM and SYSTEM file which take time to reverse,
how exactly does windows read it so fast ?

I know how to crack it, I just want to know why Windows itself reads the hash so fast it logs in instantly.

回答 (1)

2011-06-26 11:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
Reading the hash is fast. Calculating the hash from a given password is fast. Going from a hash to a password is not fast.

The answer is - Windows just calculates the hash of the password, and then compares that to the stored hash. If they're equal, the password is assumed to be the same (even though there's a probability that it is just a password with the same hash, the odds are so long that it doesn't matter as long as the hashing method is properly collision free), and the computer logs on.

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