What is the best way to strip LGBT of it rights and declare it terrorist organizations?

2011-06-19 7:13 pm
LGBT community has been advocating for equal rights. Note that advocating on behalf of sexual orientation is not considered a right. Sexuality is about reproduction and not a right. What is the best way to declare this group of people terrorists, strip them off all their rights and dispose of their lobbyist in D.C.???

Human's are not animals per say. We have an etiquette, morals, laws. Such laws are that one man shall not engage in sexual act with another. One woman shall not engage in sexual act with another. If we remove these laws than we are not better than animals.


Also note that just because you have the right for something does not mean you were given permission to exercise that right.

回答 (10)

2011-06-19 7:15 pm
Vote Republican and/or Tea Party.

Watch Fox News.
2011-06-19 7:16 pm
dont you find it ironic that your side, the homophobes, are always complaining about how much gay marraige would impact you directly (which it wouldnt), yet you re the ones spewing your hate and legislating that they cant get married, i wonder whos effecting who more?
2011-06-19 7:14 pm
you really are afraid of gay people..

we know why.
It's a deep, repressed fear of your own feelings.

I sincerely hope you get better.
2011-06-19 7:24 pm
Why would you want to strip anyone of their rights? As long as what they are doing doesn't affect anyone else you should leave them alone. If they start shooting and bombing people to make a point then they have become terrorists as that is what terrorists do but until then they are not terrorists.
2011-06-19 7:20 pm
declaring them TERRORISTS because they advocate on behalf of a lifestyle different from your own is not a right--you said so yourself in your question. What PROOF do you have that they are a THREAT to the American way ? I am straight, but I believe LIVE AND LET LIVE, unless and until they threaten me and mine. What threat do they pose just expressing a point of view ? What if they wanted to proclaim YOU a terrorist because you disagreed with them ???
2011-06-19 7:16 pm
That was done already before. Saner heads have been changing the policy, gradually.
2015-05-08 5:40 pm
Today we have multiple examples of LGBT groups engaging in terrorism, so eventually the investigations into these anti-American groups will result in arrests, convictions, and set them back a millennia for their illegal activities.
2011-06-19 9:10 pm
Tell the truth,.
2011-06-19 7:40 pm
I suggest we form a committee dedicated to preserving the sanctity of marriage. I have a few in mind to get the ball rolling so to speak. All good christian, family values types.
Senator David Vitter should be the Chairman. Members could be John Ensign, John Edwards, Larry Craig, Mark Foley, John McCain, Mark Sanford, Anthony Weiner, Mark Souder, Chris Lee. Those could get us started.
2011-06-19 7:23 pm
You could just turn America into Nazi Germany.

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