Is it grammatically wrong to say "People in here"?

2011-06-19 2:59 pm
I know you could say "People here are" .... how about "People in here are..."?

回答 (4)

2011-06-19 3:40 pm
參考: Native UK English speaker
2011-06-19 10:02 pm
Yes you can say "people in here", as in:

All the people in here are drunk.
2011-06-19 10:23 pm
no. its not incorrect if they are 'in' a room, 'in' a building... .

but 'people here...' i would think is more 'accepting'.
2011-06-19 10:22 pm
it is grammatically correct due to regions or different kinds of speakers sometimes even standard user also use people in here sometimes standard people dont say this structure

it is grammatically wrong due to regions

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