giving instruction and gerund

2011-06-20 1:44 am
1,spending time with the animals was great fun
2,pour the mixture onto the tray and it in the oven
第1句是gerund,第2句中的是giving instruction,我想問第2句中的pour為何不能加ing? 加ing後不是能成為gerund嗎? gerund可用作subject在一句句子裏啊!

回答 (4)

2011-06-20 7:21 am
✔ 最佳答案

Seeing is believing.(百聞不如一見)


Complimenting is lying.(補語)
I hate telling stories.(受詞)

而pour the misture onto the tray and (put) it in the oven
這句是祈使句(imperative sentence),祈使句動詞必須用原形動詞(bare infinitive)

Be quiet!
Never do it again.等等

You come here!


2011-06-20 10:24 pm
We use imperatives for giving instructions. Imperatives = verb in the infinitive form, e.g. pour, mix, fry = tell people what to do;
You see, we don't use a gerund in this case, and thus there is no need to change the verb into gerund.

1. Spending time with animals = subject
was = verb great fun=complement

2. [You] pour the mixture
[You] is not written and is understood to be the subject of the action 'pour' the mixture and 'put' it in the oven.

But you can say 'Pouring the mixture onto the tray and putting it in the oven are two steps of the instructions.

i hope i have helped you.

2011-06-20 14:25:22 補充:
please do not delete answer. thanks!
參考: myself
2011-06-20 2:52 am
Spending time with the animals was great fun.
"Spending time with the animals" --- Subject
其中Spending time with the animals是phrase,phrase可以現在分詞(present participle 或 過去分詞(past participle) 開頭。
Pour the mixture onto the tray.
2011-06-20 1:54 am
gerund 當然可以用作subject在一個句子裡,
但是它不可以用在giving instruction.
通常在instruction的句子中是無主語的. (如果要填主語, 主語通常是you.)


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