Why is PH3 polar??

2011-06-19 10:57 pm
P同H個electronegativity都係2.1,,but why PH3 is polar??

同埋點解個bond angle會得93.5咁細,,唔係107咩??


回答 (3)

2011-06-20 2:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
You are right to state that electronegative difference between P and H is nearly zero. However, we notice that the dipole moment still cannot be cancelled out each other because of it's trigonal pyramidal shape. So it is slightly polar or nearly non-polar in nature. I guess you are mislead by the bond angle of NH3, which is also 107.
Since N is more electronegative than P, the N-H bonds is more polar than P-H bonds in their molecule. So the bond pair - bond pair repulsions between N-H bonds are much stronger than those in P-H bonds. So N-H bonds repel stronger with each other than P-H bonds. Thus NH3 should have a higher bond angle than PH3.
參考: Knowledge is power.
2011-06-24 1:11 am


PH3 has a smaller bond angle because the lone pair electron of N (in the 2 nd shell) is more concentrated in a smaller space (less diffused) than that of P (in the 3 rd shell), so there are stronger lone pair- bond pair repulsion in PH3
since stronger lone pair- bond pair repulsion in PH3 ,個下面既PH bond angle就會壓細左。
the resultant dipole moment of PH3 is nearly zero, but actually is considered as polar. because although P and H are same electronegativity (2.1) but as you can see in the picture, there are lone pair upon P, the lone pair carry partial negative and the P carry partial positive, so that why it is still polar as the dipole moment have not cancel out.
參考: myself,好比心機答你
2011-06-21 1:31 am
more polar bond --> stronger repulsion between bond pair? sure?

as far as i know, it's related to bonding nature / hybridization / orbitals used in the bond formation.

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 13:11:22
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