I met this guy on yahoo Answers and we say we love eachother alot?

2011-06-19 3:08 am
ok so this guy i met online and we have been talking for a bit now and we say we love eachother but he keeps saying there are better men for me cuz im pretty but i love him alot and i am scared to loose him HELP....

回答 (4)

2011-06-19 3:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can't fall in love with each other on yahoo answers, sorry. Something is strange about that person if he said that without meeting you in person.
2011-06-19 10:21 am
if u havent seen him ay least online that's mean its not love maybe u like him but people sometime behave different online than real life so becareful first of all and try to meet him and find out

2011-06-19 10:10 am
Have you ever met him in person if so do that more often. If not you should start seeing him.
2011-06-19 10:10 am
if he says there are better men for you it might be because he's not telling you something that would effect things and make it not possible to have a relationship (maybe married) either that or he just has zero self esteem either way you should take his advice and try to find someone else.

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